Category Archives: prototype

PROTOTYPE 1980 Estee Lauder WHITE CHRISTMAS CAMELLIA Solid Perfume Compact


PROTOTYPE 1980 Estee Lauder “WHITE CHRISTMAS CAMELLIA” Solid Perfume Compact. Inside has signature stamped maker marker. T his is a PROTOTYPE by Estee Lauder that was never released for sale. Comes from the estate of a long-time collector who had a family member that worked for Estee Lauder. The difference in this prototype from the […]

PROTOTYPE 2001 Estee Lauder PLEASURES BIRDBATH Solid Perfume Compact WithPOUCH


PROTOTYPE 2001 Estee Lauder PLEASURES “BIRDBATH” Solid Perfume Compact W/POUCH. This is a PROTOTYPE/ VARIATION solid perfume compact by Estee Lauder- NEVER RELEASED for sale. The difference in this solid from the released version: The “water” in the birdbath is gold. In the released version the water is blue/green color. In the released version the […]

PROTOTYPE 2007 Estee Lauder (WHITE) SEA URCHIN Solid Perfume Compact


RARE 2007 Estee Lauder (WHITE) SEA URCHIN Solid Perfume Compact w/Pouch. This is a PROTOTYPE- never produced or released for sale by Estee Lauder. Inside has signature stamped maker marker. Comes with drawstring bag. Difference in this prototype from the released edition compact: The released compact has GREEN stones. This one has WHITE stones. The […]

PROTOTYPE 1999 Estee Lauder WHITE LINEN PEAS IN A POD Solid Perfume Compact


PROTOTYPE 1999 Estee Lauder WHITE LINEN “PEAS IN A POD” Solid Perfume Compact. This is a rare PROTOTYPE made by Estee Lauder, never released for production/sale. Comes from the estate of a collector, who had a family member that worked for Estee Lauder. Compact comes in excellent condition. All crystals are intact- none are missing. […]

PROTOTYPE 1998 Estee Lauder PRECIOUS BEAR Solid Perfume Compact


PROTOTYPE 1998 Estee Lauder “PRECIOUS BEAR” Solid Perfume Compact. This is a PROTOTYPE solid perfume by Estee Lauder, not released for sale. This comes from the estate of a long-time collector, who had a family member that worked for Estee Lauder. There is no name plate inside, the compact didn’t get far enough in production. […]

PROTOTYPE 1971 Estee Lauder ESTEE SUPER SOLID PERFUME Solid Perfume Compact


PROTOTYPE 1971 Estee Lauder ESTEE “SUPER SOLID PERFUME” Solid Perfume Compact. This is a PROTOTYPE/VARIATION solid perfume compact by Estee Lauder; never released for sale. The difference between the prototype & released edition is: The released version is a dark navy blue in color. This prototype is a turquoise color. See lid for condition: color […]

PROTOTYPE 1998 Estee Lauder BEAUTIFUL Crystal BLUE ROSE Solid Perfume Compact


It is a PROTOTYPE. The released compacts came in different colors: Red, pink, purple, yellow & white. BLUE was never released. All crystals are intact- none are missing. Inside has signature stamped maker marker. Comes with velvet drawstring bag. The item “PROTOTYPE 1998 Estee Lauder BEAUTIFUL Crystal BLUE ROSE Solid Perfume Compact” is in sale […]

PROTOTYPE 2003 Estee Lauder PLEASURES LITTLE RED BARN Solid Perfume Compact


PROTOTYPE 2003 Estee Lauder PLEASURES “LITTLE RED BARN” Solid Perfume Compact. This is a PROTOTYPE solid perfume by Estee Lauder- that was NEVER RELEASED for sale. The released edition compact was released in 2004 and had a black and white cow in the barn door. In this variation piece: It was created in 2003 and […]

PROTOTYPE 1998 Estee Lauder PLEASURES TEA CUP Solid Perfume Compact


PROTOTYPE 1998 Estee Lauder PLEASURES “TEA CUP” Solid Perfume Compact. This is a PROTOTYPE made by Estee Lauder- never produced or released for sale. Inside has signature stamped maker marker. Bottom has original sticker label. The difference in this prototype from the released compact: The PROTOTYPE has solid gold markings on the tea cup and […]

PROTOTYPE 2002 Estee Lauder INTUITION MATADOR Solid Perfume Compact


PROTOTYPE 2002 Estee Lauder INTUITION “MATADOR” Solid Perfume Compact. Inside has signature stamped maker marker. This is a PROTOTYPE by Estee Lauder. The difference in this compact from the released edition: This prototype is all gold; no stones and no enamel color. The item “PROTOTYPE 2002 Estee Lauder INTUITION MATADOR Solid Perfume Compact” is in […]